Thanks to the following for helping keep the StarFrontiers site alive!  

Thanks in Advance for your support!

As many of you know, I keep this site live with my own personal income after Roy "Roymeo" Crisman handed the reigns over to me in the mid-90s. Please consider donating to help me keep the site online as the bandwidth for the downloads does get extremely high at times. If all the fans donated just $1 after downloading the .pdfs, I'd have enough to host the site for another 20 years.

Remember - TSR, WotC, nor Hasbro contribute to this site. 
Their legal team had provided me with exclusive rights to host the original Copyrited items.

THAT'S IT! All 20 disks are accounted for and mailed! 

It took nearly 21 years to distribute them out to the fans!

Derrick Sigmon MAR 2007
Harley Stroh DEC 2008
Richard Romero MAR 2009 (Free DVD)
Kurt Stegall JUN 2009 (Free DVD)
Mike Hansen JUN 2009 (Free DVD)
Kluas Krull JUN 2009 (Free DVD)
John Kracht JUL 2014
Sean Stumpf DEC 2014 (Free DVD) #5 of 20 Total
Joseph Walsh JAN 2015 (Free DVD) - First Donation of 2015 & 21 years of hosting!!
Joshua Perry JAN 2015 (Free DVD)
Douglas Bailey JAN 2015 (Free DVD)
Peter Cobcroft JAN 2015 (Free DVD)
Anonymous JAN 2015 (Free DVD) #10 of 20 - Thank you for your generous donation!
Heath Row FEB 2015 (Free DVD)
Craig Aoki FEB 2015 (Free DVD)
Shane Seybold MAR 2015 (Free DVD)
Anonymous MAR 2015 (Free DVD) - Thank you for your VERY generous donation!
Ricardo Sedan MAR 2015 (Free DVD) #15 of 20 - Thank you for your generous donation!
Andy Roper MAR 2015 (Free DVD)
Phil Nadeau APR 2015 (Free DVD) - Thank you for your VERY generous donation!
Anonymous APR 2015 (Free DVD) - Thank you for your VERY generous donation!
Ronald Whitehead MAY 2015 (Free DVD)
Anonymous MAY 2015 (Free DVD) Disk #20 - Thank you for your generous donation!
Anonymous AUG 2015
Doug Triplett AUG 2015 (Held-Over DVD)
Markus N. OCT 2015

- Star Frontiers Web Server
