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Members of the Original Webring

(most may not still be alive)


#   1 
#   2
#   3
#   4
Omega Rising 
DJ's Star Frontiers Web Page - DEAD 
Palalyrn Cluster 
Star Frontiers Now and Forever - DEAD
 - Stan Brown 
 - Jason Bise 
 - Gavin Koh 
 - Layne K. Saltern
#   5 The James McCameron Star Frontiers Library SF2000 - DEAD  - Albin Johnson
#   6 
#   7
#   8
#   9
Hazy Frontiers - DEAD 
Star Frontiers NetBook - Dead link? 
Jeff's Star Frontiers Corner - Dead link? 
The Frontier News Network - DEAD
 - Hazy 
 - Mark White 
 - Jeff Bonomo 
 - Frank W. Patnaude, Jr.
# 10 Hive Mother's Guide to Frontier Space - MISSING  - Jim "Chance" Folmar
# 11 
# 12
# 13
# 14
Ephemeris: An Almanac of the Frontier - DEAD 
Timothy Norris' Star Frontiers Pages 
The Orphanage - DEAD 
The USS Altomont's Star Frontiers Home Page - DEAD
 - Tim Carrier 
 - Timothy Norris 
 - James Hicks 
 - Christopher Hartford-De Roos
# 15 Nor's Guide to Allied Space - Adv'd Star Frontiers 4th Edition - DEAD  - Ron McClung
# 16 
# 17
# 18

# 19

The Plutonium Nugget - DEAD 
The Frontier Census - DEAD 
SF Communications Command Center - DEAD

SciCon SF Convention - DEAD

 - Gary D. Hart 
 - Aliens Census 
 - Official "StarFrontiers VoiceChat"  
    and "StarFrontiers IRCchat" rooms 
 - Frank Patnaude
# 20 Dark Nebula  - DEAD  - Scott Ireland
# 21 
# 22
# 23
# 24
Lord Irish's Science Fiction RPG Site - DEAD 
The Official Unofficial Star Frontiers Web Page 
The Heart of Ifshar - DEAD 
The Toroid - DEAD
 - Lord Irish 
 - Timothy Norris 
 - Bradley McMillan 
 - Ed Stokes
# 25 The Vergon Race links - spynet link "stole" from SF.COM causing mass outages. SF.COM then removed all .html formats and went strictly with .PDF version  - Unknown
# 26 
# 27
# 28
# 29
Necro, Inc. (1999)  &   Necro, Inc. (2000) 
RPG Host (Not really Star Frontiers - more like D&D) 
Star Frontiers Organization 
 - Joe Meagher III 
 - James Mathe 
 - Rob Wojczyk
# 30 Demon 2000 "Demon" DC Ross
# 31 
# 32
# 33
# 34
Beyond the Pale: a Star Frontiers campaign - DEAD 
U.P.F. Head Quarters - DEAD
Alexis kÁlvarez 
